Structural Reset ... simply put is the holy grail of pain management and corrective movement. It's a potent dose of advanced BODYWORK therapy to first unwire the deep dysfunctions stored in soft tissues as myofascial distortions that may be causing you significant physical pain, then educating and progressing them through movement sessions in order for them to re-learn movement with their bodies at a deep foundational level. Neuromuscular re-education is an absolute must if we are to make holistic long term progress with our bodies.
The goal of Structural Reset to re-tension the tissues in the body around structural integrity and streamline the human movement system. Results can be felt along the following lines: significant pain reduction, drop in stress levels, better circulation, better aesthetics, increased flexibility, decreased body fat, increased muscle gain, and greater vitality.
Built off the Anatomy Trains model as presented by Tom Meyers, our Reset Method recognizes the importance of the connective tissue called Fascia and the balance of tension between all the different muscles throughout the body. The BODYWORK method addresses the whole spectrum (all the way from extreme dysfunction to incredible function). As we are looking for long-term / permanent changes in tension relations throughout the body.